Thursday, February 25, 2010

WARNING - Big Rant....HUGE Rant

It was a big day today...I mean that literally. I went to the mall for some new jeans, and as much as you might think otherwise, the mall is not a hang out for me, or a place I run when I need new clothing. So, things were going well, until I broke a rule I made a long time ago. I walked into a store that shall remain nameless (the rule that was broken was my personal rule not to go in the store...too expensive...among a few other you will see) to check out their selection of jeans and see if I could find something without rhinestones on the butt. So, I spoke to a sales person, and I pick out some jeans that are minus said rhinestones (believe me it was like looking for a needle in a haystack) and I am off to the dressing room. I picked up my exact sizes, and the size large and the size smaller, and begun the process of trying them on. Getting new jeans is my least favorite thing to do because at that moment in time I feel my fattest self.

People, I tried four pairs of jeans on and none, that were my normal size would even button up. So, I am thinking to myself "Self, when you woke up this morning I KNEW you were ten pounds heavier!" "What's the deal here?!?"
So, I walk out of the dressing room mad and without jeans. My sales person is of course waiting like a hawk by the dressing room door says "Hey, were you not happy with any of those" Me: "No" (and I am thinking, Nope, because I have a butt, hips, and shock.....thighs!)
This sales person then proceeds to tell me how this store is set up (no, these are not her real words, but if she would have spoken in lamen terms this is what you would have heard) "Let me tell you that you might want to look on these two tables at the back, our store is set up so that the skinny people's clothing is at the front, the people in the middle are in the middle, and then the fat ones are at the back" Needless to say I looked at her with I am sure a GLAMOROUS smile and walked out, and down the way to the fat store.

May I just say here that I adore my body, yes, I have those same ups and downs when I don't feel beautiful, or thin. I am a women after all. However, in my head I am who I am, and I love who I am. I don't need to be anyone different! If I had smaller thighs I would look ridiculous! What are we teaching the future women of this world then! That they are not good enough, that "you should try this shirt on, this is the hottest look of the season, it slims your waistline" (that was said by another VERY helpful sales person to me today) Wow! Someone help us! We need more liposuction and botox. Gone are the days where we teach that young women should have hearts of gold, and who can complete themselves, instead we let a shirt do that.

Okay....I am done....

"The mind is everything; what you think, you become" -Gautama Buddah


  1. I absolutely loved this post. I have to say Shelbi it is refreshing to know you are human! LOL

  2. I am laughing right now! I love that post. Do you not just dislike 20 year old clothes store clerks???? I can't stand them! I feel for you in the jean shopping sucks!
