Saturday, December 17, 2011


Saving the world one binki at a time....

Christmas Presents

Christmas presents are oh so fun. Scott did say as we walked downstairs last Sunday, and I quote "I think you are more excited then Elsi is." I am pretty sure I was, but who can blame me. With this little cutie around everything is exciting. We opened up some presents from Grandma and Grandpa and Jensen the other day because coming home for the holidays makes that possible. :) Won't she be excited when she's 5 and gets two Christmas's!
We had a lot of fun with just the paper (noted for future gifts)
Loving our lamb that Grandpa Bywater picked out...
We love the new Bumbo, and are learning to sit up quite well these days. (p.s. side note here, I am sitting in Elsi's room typing this and she is sawing logs...literally, my daughter is snoring...rough day.)
Dear Jensen,
I love the tub ducky you gave me for Christmas... it sings and dances so much better then my mom and dad.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

3 Months Old

Gosh! It seems like just yesterday..... :)

This baby is growing up so much. Three months has brought out so much of her personality, she is funny like her daddy, she is quiet like her mommy, she loves to smile at us, is very curious, continues to try and roll over, has decided she is not so much a fan of being on her belly, and she still eats like it's going out of style. Frankly, she is a beautiful little baby...
We may be partial, but we're the ones who change the poopy diapers, so we get to be.

New York City Part 2

I just wanted to finish up this post with some extra photo's and fun things that we did. We had such a great time!
Lunch in New York City - We had to change the babies and there was only a small space on the counter in the bathroom, but the automatic hand dryer was located right above said small space...try doing that with such a long little one. Needless to say Elsi's head kept turning the dryer on, imagine the expression on her face. I laughed the whole time. However, the pre-story to this is that Scott tried to change her in the men's room and had promptly walked right back out stating that he was not changing his daughter on the edge of a urinal. Picky.....
Central Park- Was Gorgeous and HUGE! I never realized it was so big!

Times Square....
This was such an amazing, fun trip!