Friday, January 11, 2013


This catch up is so long overdue that I forgot my password to log in. Did I mention I was pregnant? :)

November was busy because we weren't home. We left the first week, and then didn't come back until the last week. We spent our time in Utah with the family, Seattle for a show, and then back to Utah. Here are just a few things we did...

We played and played and played with cousins, friends and everyone else we could meet up with. AND we spent a lot of time in the car going back and forth. This girl is a trooper though and was always patient and happy.
We played at the Children's museum. Always a fun outing.
Sink baths with Grammy, still a go even though we don't fit very well.

First encounter with snow, so we built a snowman.

I feel like I was in the air more then I was on the ground this month. Flying to and from Utah and then the Seattle show in between all of that made me more of a frequent flyer.

We rode a train at the mall, built for little kids...mommy was a bit uncomfortable.

We spent more time on this little bike then anything! She loved it and would push herself backwards all the way around Grammy and Papa's driveway. She also loved that her Daddy gave her several pushes on the push bike.

This little brother of mine received his mission call while we were there, and I was so grateful for the opportunity I had to be there and be with him. He leaves in January for the MTC to serve a Spanish Speaking mission in Everett, Washington.
We of course squeezed in some bowling.

We got lots of new jammies...and lots of new cousin's to play with.
We enjoyed many a meal with friends and family. Elsi even had a thing or two to say about how and what she ate. Which was entirely new for her, and myself.
Here we are checking out the house that Papa is building. He uses this lovely fixture for light as he cuts molding. :) He removed it from someone in the wards house. One man's trash is Papa's treasure. I love that about him. 

No further caption needed. I was in HEAVEN.
We helped with the decorations and getting ready for Christmas, as you can see, it was a good thing we were there.

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