Friday, August 19, 2011

No Hurry

Even though my counter top is full of these...our sweet baby is not in any hurry to get here. *Sigh*
We are still zero on the dilation scale and "Maybe 75%" effaced.

"That is not really what I wanted to hear, can't you just tell me I am ready to start pushing?" I said to the doctor on Wednesday. "Sure, but I don't think you would get the desired effect at this point."
"Well, then I guess we are done here. " Said I. "Great, just pay the lady out front."
I love my doctor.....


  1. I cant wait till the little miss comes!!! Neither can Stefen!! So sorry shes not ready to come yet

  2. I remember those days...each week I would go through crazy measures to see if I could make the whole process go along any faster...however, in my case, nothing worked. Every week my doctor informed me that I was still a zero. However, on the day that he finally had me started (because my blood pressure was sky high) he tried to make me feel better by telling me I was maybe half of a one :). She'll be here before you know it! I'm excited for you!
