This is the photo I got of our entertainment room (aka...Man Cave) at 10:00 a.m. today. My first thought was...."I'm having a heart attack! Someone get the aspirin!" My second thought was "He's DEAD", and my third thought was "He's DEAAAAD" Seriously, when the luv sac directions say not to take the foam out....they mean it. Needless to say this foam is everywhere in and outside of my house....the man cave, the back porch, the family room, the washer (that's right my friends, the washer), AND apparently the dryer...although I haven't physically seen that one. Anyone want a husband...he is for sale.
Set Fire to the Rain
4 days ago
I am laughing so hard right now! But I am dying to know the story behind the pic. You may have to give Scott away for FREE!