Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We live in a Bubble with a Heater and a Dog...

Sounds like a great reality TV show.
Well, this is our reality lately. I thought I would post a little about the weather we are having here.
It is cold. The furnace has stopped working correctly. It is cold. We had the repair man here yesterday and the furnace ran for about 30 minutes. Did I mention it was cold. BUT the heater man told me I wasn't just being sensitive, and that the heater wasn't working properly. It's cold. Meet my new best friend
Her name is "Heather the Heater". She is a joy to be around, the "sunbeam" in my life, and usually for me that means my fingers and toes are sitting right next to her (dang Mendenhall family circulation.) Which in turn makes it a bit difficult to get things done (sorry if everyone's Christmas cards are late.)
Here is the window I look out of from my office all day long...

When I moved from Utah I thought I left the "bubble" behind.
*sigh* Guess not. Our whole house is decorated with said plastic.

Okay, so things are not all forlorn and rough! It is beautiful here! Icicles hang everywhere, the parking lot is an ice skating rink, the battery on your car dies, and dies again at the Laundromat last night. We sat there really not knowing what to do at first. Oh, did I mention the shivering? It was 12 degrees. Luckily we had just done the laundry so Scott piled some on top of me and then got out to flag down the sweet policeman from Glen Ellyn. The sweet man said, and I quote "Well, I can call you a tow truck, but I can't give you a jump." I was mad, to say the least. I am sure there was a perfectly good reason he couldn't jump our car for us, but I was still mad. Luckily we have some wonderful friends we were able to call, and they came before I froze to death.
Side note: Notice that I am the only one that is freezing to death. Mr. Bywater is a furnace. Really, the man is always warm...even at 2:00 in the morning.
So now to the dog...

She was so excited to go for a walk yesterday. Our neighbor in the building next to us gave us a weird look as she ran for the warmth of her building and we ran from the warmth of ours (alright, I am not sure that I would call it running, the word, skating, is a better description.)
Well so halfway around block one (we only made it all the way around block one) we came upon an what looked like a normal driveway, and in her usual fashion she ran for the squirrel sitting on the other side. I had made the mistake of wearing cowgirl boots with no traction and so pulling on the leash wasn't an option. However, I didn't have to pull on the leash because the four legged child got a quarter of the way across the driveway and started sliding. Her claw marks are still in the ice. I laughed so hard I cried, and then almost fell on my duff.

Long story short....it's cold in Chicago.

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