Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Mr. Bywater and I finally got a day off together on Monday. We have both been out of town, and the funny thing is that as much as we both love the little break I think baby "E" makes it such that we miss each other more when we are away. So, even though we were doing the not so fun errands, grocery shopping, fixing the car, etc. I loved every minute of it. Mr. Bywater's personality is something to behold
So when the baby figured out a few days ago how to play in my ribs I knew instantly who had whispered to her "try playing in mom's ribs." I also LOVE the fact that she seems to know when her dad gets out of bed in the morning and LOVES to keep me up until I decide my sleep is over and just get up. Now if she comes out with the signature "Scott" smile...
Well then, we can safety say that she thinks she is at a big event where she has to behave, and then she will be her daddy's baby.

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